~*~SHEENA'S MODELING PAGE~*~ | ~*~ME ME ME AND DID I SAY ME~*~ | ~*~ PICTURES 1~*~ | ~*~WHAT'S NEW??~*~ | ~*~CONTACT ME~*~ | ~*~PICTURES 2~*~  

~*~All About Me~*~

I'm 21 years old and I live in SC. There's really not that much to say about me. I guess you could say I model full time. I'm also a dance teacher and an internet tech. I compete in talent competitions and pageants. Haven't done any of those competitions lately but I'm hopefully going to get back into competing some time this year. I was the instructor of the award winning Jazz Express Sr. and Jazz Express.

*~*My Lifetime Hobbies*~*

My hobbies are really easy. I love modeling ( of course), dance ( thats why I teach), helping people solve internet issues ( thats why I'm a tech), riding four wheelers, racing ( dirt track, asphault, its all racing), hanging out with my friends and my boyfriend, football, softball, and last but not least, CARS!!!!!!!!!

Alittle More About Me

I was the only girl in my family since my mom and let me tell you, I got spoiled. I have an older brother and four cousins that are all guys. So I was considered " One of the guys ". Ever since I could walk, I have been under the hood of a car. Same with football. My brother played football and when I was old enough to be a cheerleader, I cheered for football for the towns Recreation Department and my middle school football teams.